Can you hear what resides at the center of your being?

What in you is waiting to come more alive?

Make Space
Be curious
Be with
the journey
towards the deeper self that seeks
connection with Source
the sacred
within, throughout, beyond
the world
I am
Am I
at the center of my being

As colisteners, we gather in partnership to consider a particular inquiry or phenomena and practice intentional listening to perceive of and explore what might arise, whether in obvious, subliminal, nuanced, obscured, or surprising ways.

The description above may sound esoteric, but in reality, when I colisten with you, often we explore quite practical, everyday matters. The distinction is that, together, we step back to hear beneath the noise of how we live our everyday so that we can see the beauty of what is already there and what more is waiting to emerge.

In massage therapy, we listen to your body and how it is aiding and inhibiting you. We build awareness of the patterns that live in your body, and you develop the capacity to care for yourself more holistically, through attending to your body, to self.

During spiritual direction, retreats and in communal work, we create space to listen–as individuals and collectively–to needs, purpose, and the gifts of rest and renewal. We discern what next steps bring us in closer in alignment to our calling, to connection, joy and meaningful life and action.

In parent workshops, we explore connections with our children, self-care and resiliency. As we learn, share, and listen to each other, we become aware of what we can shed, re-shape, and claim in our growth as parents and as our own selves.

In home organization, we listen to how you speak of  your life priorities and values and discover how they can become more manifest through the way you craft your home environment and family systems.

These are just a few examples of ways we can partner as colisteners, all with the purpose of hearing into the center of your being, waiting for more of you to come alive.

Practicing intentional listening with the compassionate presence of others provides possibilities for sensation, awareness, and insight. In sharing, you invite yourself and others to bear witness to your stories, to your being-ness, and to hold your stories–to hold you–lovingly, as we listen together for the invitation to grow towards the sacred and the center of you.

Your Colistener: Bernardine

I work in leadership and accompaniment with individuals and organizations, particularly communities of faith. My work is through private and freelance arrangements as well as my affiliation with Bethany House of Prayer and various churches. 

I have experience as a chaplain, accompanying others and supporting organizations in health care, justice work, and special events.

I am a massage therapist in private practice and offer massage services pro bono or subsidized to non-profit organizations.

I practice authentic movement, having learned the form in a summer intensive and a year-long program through Contemplative Dance.

My previous work as an educator (Director of Educational and Welfare programs, Spanish teacher, Early Childhood Education teacher) in a variety of settings–USA, Bolivia, Liberia–form a part of my life story, which informs my work in accompaniment and colistening.

My other parts of “being-ness” (past and present) include: mother, partner, dancer, musician, traveler, explorer, ice hockey player, minimalist, organizer of spaces; lover of music, art, yoga, nature, curiosity, stillness, quiet, contemplation, God.

Education: B.A., Harvard University; M.Ed., Boston College; Post-Graduate Studies: Spiritual Formation Ministry, Spiritual Direction; Cortiva Institute for Massage Therapy; Certifications: Infant Massage Instructor; Massage for Cancer, Life Altering Illnesses, and Hospice. Licensed Massage Therapist.

Additional Colisteners

At times, your or your organization’s needs will benefit from having multiple colisteners or co-facilitators. I have colleagues in the field with whom I collaborate for these situations.